The SBC was founded on February 10th, 1982, during the IX Brazilian Congress of Zoology , held at the Biosciences Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

The first statute of the Society was approved at an assembly held during the meeting of carcinologists, on February 2nd, 1983, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Since then, SBC has been under the direction of prominent Brazilian carcinologists, including Dr. C. Godfrey Genofre (who chaired the first society in 1982, in São Paulo), Dr. Ludwig Buckup (Rio Grande do Sul), Dr. Jayme de Loyola e Silva (Paraná), Dr. Fernando D’Incao (Rio Grande do Sul), Dr. Sergio L. S. Bueno (São Paulo), Dr. Fernando L. M. Mantelatto (São Paulo), Dr. Maria Lucia Negreiros Fransozo (São Paulo) and Dr. Paula Beatriz Araujo (Porto Alegre). Currently, SBC is chaired by Dr. Sérgio Schwarz da Rocha (UFRB, Cruz das Almas, BA).
• Bring together people interested in the development of research on crustaceans;
• Encourage scientific research in the field of crustacean;
• Promote studies of the national crustacean fauna;
• Represent the community of Brazilian carcinologists both nationally and internationally;
• Promote and implement regional and national meetings;
• Foster exchange of information on the progress of carcinological research in Brazil.