Instructions to Authors
Scope and policy
Nauplius is an electronic open access journal that publishes original research dealing with any aspect of crustacean biology. Papers are published in English only. Since 2016 papers are published as soon as accepted, under a continuous publication system.
Nauplius accepts three types of manuscripts for publication: Original Articles, Reviews, and Short Communications. All three types of contributions will be subject to the full editorial process.
Nauplius does not impose limitations on the number of pages for manuscripts, although Short Communications should be restricted to a few pages (usually, up to six pages).
When submitting a manuscript, please state in the cover letter that (1) the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, or being considered for publication elsewhere; (2) that all research meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to the legal requirements of the country where the study was conducted; and (3) that the manuscript is approved by all authors.
All manuscripts published in Nauplius are peer-reviewed for content and presentation by at least two appropriate referees, an editorial board member and the editor.
Nauplius is part of the Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO and, as such, follows the SciELO Brazil Collection policies and criteria, as well as endorses the policies and practices recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.
Nauplius follows the requirements of Article 8 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and all articles published have fixed content from the moment of their publication date. An eventual change to an article will only be permitted through the publication of an erratum.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides complete and immediate open access to its content.
All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.
Upon publication of the manuscript in Nauplius the authors agree that the copyright is transferred to the Brazilian Crustacean Society.
There are no page charges or processing fees for authors. All costs are paid by the Brazilian Crustacean Society (SBC). Authors other than Society members are welcome to publish their research.
Upon acceptance, authors will receive proofs by PDF attachments to email messages. Authors must correct and approve proofs promptly in accordance with instructions received with the proofs. If proofs are not returned on time, the article will be withheld.
Nauplius is a non-profit scientific journal and to help keep Nauplius free to authors and readers upon the publication of the manuscript, authors are kindly invited to contribute a donation on the journal’s webpage.
Editors and journal staff as authors
Editors and members of the Nauplius editorial board are excluded from publication decisions in the event that one of them takes part in the authorship of a manuscript.
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Text Formatting:
- All manuscripts must be submitted as .doc or .docx files.
- The original of the manuscript must be left-aligned (except title, centered), double-spaced, all margin 2.54 cm (1 inch), 12 pt Times New Roman font.
- Do not use footnotes.
- Italics should be used only for (a) scientific (genus or species/subspecies) names, (b) subheadings of sections; (c) statistical symbols, variables/constants in formulae; and (d) code for genes. Boldface is used in (a) section headings; (b) names of taxonomic ranks (including genus and species names) followed by their respective authority used as centered subheadings of the “Systematics” section before the taxon description; and (c) optionally as headings of table columns.
- Latin phrases should be in normal font, not in italics (e.g., et al., i.e, sensu stricto, etc.).
- Nauplius uses the International System of Units – SI (the metric system) base units as well as the non-SI units that are accepted for use with the SI Units. Use a full stop to denote decimal values (e.g., 0.007 cm, 0.7 mm).
- Nauplius uses American English spelling (e.g., color, not colour). Authors who do not have English as their native language are encouraged to use professional proof reading services, or to ask someone highly proficient in English or an English-speaking colleague to review their manuscripts.
After the provisional acceptance for publication, a clean final version of the manuscript must be submitted strictly conforming to Nauplius format and style. As you prepare your accepted manuscript to become a published article, please follow these guidelines: “Organization of Manuscript and Technical Standards” very carefully. Manuscripts that do not strictly conform to Nauplius format and style will be withheld.
According to the type of publication, the sequence of contents should be:
- Original research articles
- Title: centered, in boldface
- Full names of Author(s) (left-aligned, one name per line) and their respective ORCID number (orcid.org/xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx)
- Affiliation of author(s)
- E-mail(s) of all authors (initials of name in boldface, followed by e-mail address)
- Corresponding author: name and e-mail (on separate lines)
- Running Head: Abbreviated title (max. 52 characters)
- Abstract: in English; text should preferably not exceed 250 words.
- Keywords: usually five, in alphabetical order, separated by comma, and not repeating any terms appearing in title
- Main text: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (Results and Discussion, in general, as separate sections), Conclusion (if pertinent)
- Acknowledgements
- Supplementary material (if available)
- Additional information and declarations (Contributor roles; Consent for publication; Funding and grant disclosures; Competing interests. If pertinent, also Study association; Study permits; Data availability)
- References
- Captions for Tables and Figures
Taxonomic papers
In manuscripts dealing with systematics and taxonomy the organization of the main text can follow a sequence of content more suitable for such papers, usually: Introduction, Material and Methods, Systematics (with any necessary topics, e.g., taxonomic ranks, synonymic list, material examined, diagnosis, description, etymology, type locality, distribution, remarks, etc.) and Discussion (if pertinent).
- Requirements of taxonomic and nomenclatural procedures need reasonable consistency in the organization of such papers.
- The establishment of new taxa must follow the requirements of the latest edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature and its Appendices and Amendments.
- Avoid using the name of new taxa in the title.
- The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature requires that publication of new taxa in electronic-only journals must be registered in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature, with Zoobank as its online version. The Nauplius editorial team will obtain the Zoobank registration number (LSID) of all publications and nomenclatural acts once the manuscript is accepted. The authors should not provide this registration in advance.
- Telegraphic style is mandatory for descriptions and diagnoses.
- Accession numbers of publicly available genetic sequence databases (e.g., BOLD, DDBJ, ENA, GenBank) must be included for DNA results such that the raw data can be accessed and compared against the presented data.
- Tissued specimens should be vouchered and their institutional catalog number provided in association with their respective database accession numbers in the “Material examined” list or in a summary table.
- Reviews
Nauplius welcomes scientific investigations that reappraise relevant studies on specific topics of Carcinology on the basis of a critical and comprehensive review of the literature. Manuscripts of Review articles should be prepared following the same recommendations as regular articles, but the divisions of the main text may be more flexible at the discretion of the author.
- Short Communications
Nauplius accepts short notes when they present information that cannot be incorporated into a regular paper. Manuscripts should be prepared following the same recommendations as regular articles; however:
- The manuscript text should be limited to approximately eight pages written in Times New Roman, size 12pt, and double space formatting, since this will not normally exceed six final printed pages in length and should contain only one figure and/or table.
- The sequence of contents should be: Title, Full Names of Author(s), Affiliation(s) and email(s), Running Head, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (without delimitation of sections), Acknowledgements, Additional information and declarations, References, and Caption for Table and Figure (if any).
Scientific names
- All generic and binomial names must be in italics, written in full, and followed by the authority the first time they are mentioned in main text (optional in the title and abstract).
- In the case of the crustacean generic and binomial names, it is mandatory to provide authorship and date of those names. In other animal groups, authorship for generic and binomial names is mandatory, year is optional. If year is given, then the publication regarding the original description of that name must be listed in the “References” section.
- In taxonomic papers, publications regarding the authorities of the crustacean generic and binomial names must be listed in the “References” section (references for the authorities of suprageneric taxa is optional); in non-taxonomic papers, the listing of the authorities’ references is not required.
- Authors of species name of any other kingdom need not to be given.
- When mentioning a species for the first time its binomial name must always be given in full, even if more than one species of the same genus is mentioned in sequence. In subsequent mentions, the contraction of the generic name should be used (e.g., A. spinimanus for Achelous spinimanus). If more than one genus with the same initial are mentioned, use a second letter to distinguish one from the other (e.g., Cl. albidigitus for Clibanarius albidigitus and Ca. obscurus for Calcinus obscurus). Do not abbreviate the genus name at the beginning of paragraphs and sentences, even if it has already been mentioned earlier in the text.
- When a specific name is cited without its authority and the name of the species is immediately followed by a citation, insert a term to distinguish it from the citation of the authority (e.g.: “see …” or “cf. …”: Macrobrachium carcinus (see Melo, 2003))
- All publications referred to in the text must be listed alphabetically by the authors’ surname in the “References” section. See the guidelines of manuscript preparation for further instructions.
- Authors must make sure that all references cited in the text and eventually in tables are congruent with those listed in the “References” section.
- In the body of the text cite as follow (depending on the context):
- One author: Silva (2006) or (Silva, 2006)
- Two authors: Silva and Santos (2006) or (Silva and Santos, 2006)
- Three or more authors: Silva et al. (2006) or (Silva et al., 2006)
- Citation of more than one reference must be arranged chronologically (not alphabetically) and separated by semi-colons: (Silva, 2005a; 2005b; 2006; Silva and Santos, 2006; Albano, 2008).
- Do not use “&”, “op. cit.” or “apud”.
- Use “in press” only when formal acceptance has been granted and a DOI has already been assigned.
- Citation of theses, dissertations, technical reports, and abstracts presented at meetings is emphatically discouraged. However, if essential, indicate if the document is available online and the URL to access it should be provided, as well as the date of access; a statement of [Unpublished] must be added at the end of the citation.
- Authors of quoted unpublished material (e.g., manuscript under review, internal report, and certain conference abstracts) should be cited only if strictly necessary. Author (initials and surname) of quoted unpublished material should be inserted in the text and designated as “unpublished data/unpubl. data” or “personal communication/pers. comm.” (e.g., G.A.S. Melo, pers. comm.), but should be omitted from the “References” section.
- Name of periodicals should be given in full and italic, followed by a comma and the volume number. The issue number (if available) should be in parentheses just after the volume number (no space separating them). Use en-dash (−) for page ranges.
- Write the Digital Object Identifier – DOI for all works (including older publications, if any) that have a DOI; if an online work has both a DOI and a URL, include only the DOI.
- Papers published in an online-only journal should show the volume and the e-location (see examples below).
- In cases of discrepancy with the year of publication of some articles, see further instructions in the guidelines of manuscript preparation with detailed instructions in addition to the examples below.
- In the “References” section, the name of authors should be written with the surname followed by a space (no comma) and the initials (no full stop). References with two names must be linked by “and” (not “&”) as well as between the penultimate and the last names of references with three or more authors; use semicolon to separate the other names.
- For further details please follow the examples below (or check recently published articles):
– Articles:
Arcifa MSS; Silva LHS and Silva MHL 1998. The planktonic community in a tropical Brazilian reservoir: Composition, fluctuations and interactions. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 58(2): 241−254.
Asakura A 2010. A new species of hermit crab of the teevana group of Pylopaguropsis (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from the western Pacific, collected during the PANGLAO expedition. Nauplius, 18(1): 35−43. https://crustacea.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/nauplius-v18n1a04.Asakura.pdf
Luque J; Schweitzer CE; Santana W; Portell RW; Vega FJ and Klompmaker AA 2017. Checklist of fossil decapod crustaceans from tropical America: Part I: Anomura and Brachyura. Nauplius, 25: e2017025. DOI: 10.1590/2358-2936e2017025
Magalhães C 2005. A new species of freshwater crab (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) from the southwaestern Amazon Basin. Nauplius, 12(2) (for 2004): 99−107. https://crustacea.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/nauplius-v12n2a06.Magalhaes.pdf
Matzen da Silva J; Creer S; Santos A dos; Costa AC; Cunha MR; Costa FO and Carvalho GR 2011. Systematic and evolutionary insights derived from mtDNA COI barcode diversity in the Decapoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca). PLoS ONE, 6(5): e19449. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019449.
Ng PKL; Guinot D. and Davie P 2008. An annotated checklist of extant brachyuran crabs of the world. Systema Brachyurorum, Part I. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 17: 1–286. https://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/app/uploads/2017/04/s17rbz.pdf
Poore GCB 1991. Crustacea Isopoda: Deep-sea Chaetilidae (Valvifera) from New Caledonia and the Philippines. In: Ponto 6. Résultats des campagnes MUSORSTOM, Volume 9. Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, (A), 152: 139−153. Paris.
Rathbun MJ 1926. The fossil stalk-eyed Crustacea of the Pacific slope of North America. United States National Museum Bulletin, 138: 1−155, pls. 1−39. https://decapoda.nhm.org/pdfs/10739/10739.pdf
Schram FR 1981. On the classification of Eumalacostraca. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 1(1): 1−10. DOI: 10.2307/1548200
Wortham JJ and VanMaurik L 2019. Gill fouling in the economically important freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879) (Caridea: Palaemonidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 40(1) (for 2020): 17−23. DOI: 10.1093/jcbiol/ruz079.
– Books:
Melo GAS de (Org.). 2003. Manual de Identificação dos Crustacea Decapoda de Água Doce do Brasil. São Paulo, Ed. Loyola. 429p.
Williams AB 1984. Shrimps, Lobsters and Crabs of the Eastern United States, Maine to Florida. Washington, DC, Smithsonian Institution Press, 500p. https://decapoda.nhm.org/pdfs/11393/11393-001.pdf
– Book chapter:
Powers LW and Bliss DE 1983. Terrestrial adaptations. p. 271−333. In: Vernberg MD and Vernberg W (Eds.), The Biology of Crustacea. Environmental Adaptations, Vol. 8. New York, Academic Press.
Tavares M and Melo GAS de 2010. First species of Paragalene Kossmann, 1878 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Progeryonidae) from the western Atlantic. p. 335−344. In: Ng PKL; Castro P; Davie P and Forges BR de (Eds.), Studies on Brachyura: a Homage to Danièle Guinot. Leiden, Brill. Crustaceana Monographs, 11. DOI: 10.1163/ej.9789004170865.i-366.203
– Conference papers:
Miller MA; Pfeiffer W and Scheartz T 2010. Creating the CIPRES Science Gateway for inference of large phylogenetic trees. p. 1−8. In: Proceedings of the Gateway Computing Environments Workshop (GCE), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. DOI: 10.1109/GCE.2010.5676129
Rebolledo-Navarro, A and Wehrtmann, IS 2013. Reproductive traits of the mangrove crab Aratus pisonii (Brachyura: Sesarmidae) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. p. 149. In: Abstracts, The Crustacean Society and Latin American Association of Carcinology Summer Meeting, San José, Costa Rica, 7−11 July 2013.
– Internet resources:
Hall TA 2005. BioEdit 7.0.5. North Carolina State University, Department of Microbiology. Available at http://www.mbio.ncsu.edu/BioEdit/bioedit.html. Accessed on 3 January 2011.
IBGE [Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística] 2011. Mapa físico do estado de Rondônia. Available at ftp://geoftp.ibge.gov.br/cartas_e_mapas/mapas_estaduais_e_distrito_federal/fisico/ro_fisico900k_2011.pdf. Accessed on 6 April 2020.
INPE [Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais] 2020. Monitoramento Brasil – Climatologia de Temperatura Mínima Jun/Jul/Ago (database website: Climatologia Trimestral, Campo: Temperatura Mínima; Mês: J/J/A). Available at http://clima1.cptec.inpe.br/monitoramentobrasil/pt. Accessed on 7 April 2020.
– Theses, dissertations, technical reports:
Ayón-Parente M 2009. Taxonomía, zoogeografía y aspectos ecológicos de los cangrejos ermitaños de la familia Diogenidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) del Pacífico mexicano. Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Doctoral dissertation, 465p. [Unpublished] Available at http://www.remeri.org.mx/portal/REMERI.jsp?id=oai:tesis.dgbiblio.unam.mx:000645352. Accessed on 16 May 2020.
Costa FZ da 2016. Composição específica e distribuição da fauna de caranguejos de água doce (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) do estado de Roraima, Brasil. Manaus, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Master thesis, 64p. [Unpublished] Available at https://bdtd.inpa.gov.br/bitstream/tede/2291/5/Disserta%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20Finalizada%20Francin%C3%A9ia%20Zanetti%20da%20Costa.pdf. Accessed on 16 May 2020.
Marcano J 1997. Biodiversidad y taxonomía de crustáceos de la Isla de Cubagua, Estado Nueva Esparta. CI-UDO Technical Report C.I. 4–0901-0477/91. Universidad de Oriente, Boca del Río, Venezuela. 59p. [Unpublished]
Moraes MBR de; Jankowsky M; Morroni D and Paixão K 2015. Plano de Manejo. Área de Proteção Ambiental Cananeia-Iguape-Peruíbe, SP. Iguape, MMA-ICMBio, 197p., 15 maps. Available at https://www.icmbio.gov.br/portal/images/stories/plano-de-manejo/plano_de_manejo_apa_cananeia_iguape_peruibe.pdf. Accessed on 16 May 2020.
Figures, Tables, Graphs, Maps, and Supplementary Material
- Figure and table files must be uploaded separately on respective forms onto the ScholarOne Manuscripts system (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/nau-scielo).
- All table and figure captions should be self-explanatory, and be able to stand alone from the text.
- Figures should be submitted as separate files (TIF, JPG) and should be of high quality. For black and white drawing/line artwork, these should be 600 dpi resolution at final size. Half-tone grayscale artwork should be 600 dpi at final size. Color half-tone images should be submitted as 300 dpi. Maximum figure width should be 2000 pixels.
- Nauplius may request replacement of the figures that do not meet these quality standards.
- Tables should be self-explanatory and submitted as separate files (.doc or .docx). Vertical lines and Roman numerals in the tables should be avoided, and horizontal lines used minimally.
- All figures and tables should be referenced consecutively in the main text, using uppercase for the first letter and Arabic numerals (e.g., Fig. 1; Fig. 1A, B; Figs. 1–4; Tab. 1; Tabs. 1, 2; Tabs. 1–3). However, when using the words “Figure(s)” and “Table(s)” at the beginning of a paragraph or a sentence, do not abbreviate them.
- List the figure and table captions in order on separate pages after the “References” section in the main text.
- It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures or tables originally published elsewhere.
- Nauplius encourages the use of color in graphics and figures.
- The approximate positions of figures and tables will be indicated in the text file by the Editorial team.
- Nauplius recommends that authors pay special attention so that, in all graphics, the legends of the axes have standardized lettering.
- Binomial names should be written in full in the captions of figures and tables, but authorities need not be used if this information has already been provided in the main text. Use italics for the binomial names either in the captions or in the illustration itself.
- Tables and figures should be kept to a minimum; authors are strongly encouraged to include large tables as Supplementary Material.
- Nauplius recommends that map(s) should indicate (a) the north direction; (b) a scale bar; and (c) latitude and longitude at least in one of the margins.
- Supplementary material (e.g., large tables, spreadsheets, figures, PDF files, audio and/or video files, software codes, external databases, etc.) may accompany the manuscript for publication along with the article.
Manuscript submission
- Nauplius adopted, thanks to a partnership with SciELO, the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. All manuscripts should be submitted through the ScholarOne system.
- If you want to follow the status of any article in progress, or to make revisions, go to (https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/nau-scielo).
- Instructions for account creation and manuscript submission can be found in the Author guide PDF (https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/support/scholarone-manuscripts/for-authors).
- Nauplius does not accept submissions by email. In case you have any questions, please, contact the editorial office at secretaria.nauplius@gmail.com
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
In order to ensure the high quality of papers published in our journal and to promote scientific progress, authors, reviewers, and editors are advised to follow our Ethical Guidelines.
All authors should be aware of the following conditions when submitting to the journal:
- The submitted manuscript must not have been previously published elsewhere (except for abstracts, posters, and discussions in conferences, meetings and other related events);
- Nauplius accepts manuscripts previously deposited in preprint servers provided that the following conditions are met: (a) the authors disclose the existence of the preprint at submission (e.g., in the cover letter); (b) the preprint should be deposited in non-commercial servers; (c) once the article is published, the preprint should link to the published version (usually via DOI); (d) the preprint should not have been formally peer-reviewed.
- The manuscript must not be submitted to another journal while under consideration for Nauplius;
- Only original, genuine data must be submitted; any kind of plagiarism is strongly discouraged and will not be accepted. Nauplius currently makes use of iThenticate software to check for plagiarism;
- Authors must fit into at least one of the authorship or contribution roles as suggested below: Conceptualization and Design; Performed research; Acquisition of data; Analysis and intepretation of data; Preparation of figures/tables/maps; Writing – original draft; Writing – critical review & editing.
- Authors must specify the role of each author upon submission of the manuscript and at the end of the main text in the “Additional information and declarations” section
- Any conflict of interest must be declared by the authors upon submission of the manuscript and at the end of the manuscript in the “Additional information and declarations” section;
- Authors should follow all required institutional ethical demands, and safety board instructions, have a proper collecting permit where applicable, and respect the relevant ethical and legal aspects that the research requires;
- All authors should approve the submitted manuscript. Any change in authorship, including exclusion/inclusion of authors, is highly discouraged. Exceptional requests for changes in authorship should be addressed to the Editorial Board with an appropriate justification;
- Authors are equally responsible for all information available in the manuscript, including a suitable quality of English writing;
- Authors have an obligation to correct mistakes once they discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article. The author(s) is/are requested to contact the journal and explain in what sense the error is impacting the article;
- Finally, all manuscripts must be presented in English. All manuscripts should be read and edited by a proficient (native) English speaker before submission. We encourage authors to carefully proofread the manuscript before submission, checking for clarity, conciseness, and grammar. The manuscripts should be presented according to the Nauplius “Instructions to Authors”, available at (https://www.scielo.br/nau), as well as the guidelines of manuscript preparation.
Peer review is an imperative part of the publication process, and reviewers should be aware of the following best practice guidelines:
- Reviewers should only accept to review manuscripts for which they have proper expertise;
- Reviewers must respect peer review confidentiality and not use the information obtained in the manuscript for any purpose, except for that required by the editors;
- Reviewers must declare any potential conflict of interest concerning the manuscript to the Editorial Board.
Instructions for account set up, review, to submit feedback on submissions, and claim credit for your reviews via ScholarOne Manuscripts can be found in the Reviewer guide PDF (https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/support/scholarone-manuscripts/for-reviewers)
Our editors are responsible for the quality of the papers published in our journal. The editors should attempt to meet the best interest of authors, readers, and scientific advancement, and also:
- Manuscripts, in accordance with the journal standards, will be received by the Editor-in-Chief and referred to an Associate Editor, who will send it to at least two reviewers for evaluation;
- The Editor-in-Chief should make sure that all steps required to ensure the quality of the published material are followed;
- Editors must respect peer review confidentiality and not use the information obtained in the manuscript for any purpose;
- Associate editors are responsible for assuring the scientific quality of the published articles and for assisting the Editor-in-Chief in the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of a submission.
- The Associate Editor responsible for handling a manuscript will have his/her name listed in the respective publication.
- The final decision of accepting or rejecting a manuscript is at the Editor’s-in-Chief discretion.
Correction and retraction
Nauplius is committed to maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record, but in the event that an article, after being published, needs to be modified, Nauplius will promote the modification through a correction or retraction.
- A decision on how to correct the article will depend on the nature of the error;
- A correction (erratum) will be used when some errors or omissions that may exert influence in the interpretation of some contend, but does not substantially alter the reliability or the scholarly integrity of the article is discovered by the author and/or editor;
- The registration and publication of a correction follow the procedures recommended by SciELO Brazil in the Guidelines for registry and publication of errata and be in accordance with the practices suggested by the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.
- A retraction will be used when fundamental errors, resulting either from unintentional mistakes (e.g., in analysis or methods) or in cases where there is a clear evidence of research and/or publication misconduct that could unequivocally compromise the reliability and the scholarly integrity of the article;
- Nauplius uses the Retraction Guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE as a basis for evaluating misconduct cases;
- Nauplius follows the procedures recommended by SciELO Brazil in the Guidelines for registry and publication of retraction;
- The retraction note should provide transparency on which part(s) of the article are impacted by the error.
Instructions for Associate Editors and Editor-in-Chief to take actions such as assigning reviewers, as well as to track the progress of the reviews via ScholarOne Manuscripts, can be found in the Editor guideline PDF (https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/support/scholarone-manuscripts/for-editors)